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Corvus OS v3.0 | Revenant | Official | Android 12L
Build Date: 25-05-2022
Device: Redmi 6 Pro | sakura
Maintainer: @YadavMohit19
Source Side:
Corvus OS v3.0 – Revenant
- Merged May 2022 Security Patch – android-12.1.0_r5
- Revamped new M3 designed Wallpaper app (RavenWalls)*
- Revamped new M3 designed Corvus support app + OTA (RavenDesk)*
- Added new GameSpace from chaldeaprjkt*
- Added system wide App Lock
- Added Face Unlock
- Fixup in PixelProps
- Added Touch Gestures
- Gamespace: Added toggle to disable gestures
- Changed search bar style
- Fixed App icons getting cropped below the search bar
- Add toggle to set a translucent background to the app dock on the home screen
- Removed extra bottom space in the app dock
- Include toggle for enabling taskbar
- Include toggle for enabling grid-style recent
- Implement the ability to hide apps and open them without having to unhide them again
- Add bottom sheet app info style
- Add support for custom icon packs and per-app icon pack
- Redesign available RAM view
- Import more themed icons
- Re-organized custom settings
- Add toggle to enable recent apps scrolling haptic feedback (applicable to devices with new haptic motors)
- Follow system fonts throughout the launcher settings
- Added Pavlova UI icon pack
- Added ability to take white luminance to 0. This created a pitch-black theme with linear lightness enabled
- Redesigned Corvus version bottom sheet panel
- Revamped category style
- Improvements to collapsing toolbar
- Added System-wide blur support if the blur is enabled
- Increased blur radius to provide a better system blur effect
- Disable the wallpaper zoom effect
- Ignore screen decorations in screenshots (screen radius does not appear in screenshots)
- Implemented Kdragon’s blur implementation from A11 (Less aggressive with lossless quality)
- Fix wrong tinting of status bar icons
- Add toggle to show VoLTE icon
- Add toggle to show 4G icon instead of LTE
- Add toggle for small network icon
- Add toggle for roaming indicator
- Add toggle to disable data disabled icon
- Add toggle for combined signal icon
- privacy: Added toggle to disable location/camera privacy indicators
- Ability to show notification count
- Ability to toggle between colored status bar app icons
- Fixup! Colour-coded battery indicator to remain green from 100% as it remained white until the battery per cent went below 85%
- Add the ability to block more status bar icons from status bar items
Quick Settings
- Ability to adjust panel opacity
- Improvements to FPS info overlay
- Make smart space info to follow system fonts
- Added support to show charging info
- UDFPS: Added back icons/animation support
- Added face unlock icon animation
- Added Reticker and app colored reticker
- Ability to set the increasing ring volume
- Custom ringtone vibration pattern
- Ability to control In-Call vibrations
- Per-app volume control
- Add option to cycle through ringer modes
Volume Panel
- Redesigned volume panel
- Bring in the expandable volume panel
- Ability to adjust notification sounds
- Added volume percentage text
- Added config to switch volume panel location
- Add option for forcing full-screen apps
- Fix slow fingerprint response
- Address various system-wide NPE and fixups
- Added support for legacy WFD display options
- Whitelist permissions and add permissions for device configs
- Fix speech service force close in google setup wizard (GApps build)
- Add signature spoofing
- Add ability to select Vulkan renderer in dev options
- Source side addition for Sepolicy denials, HAL updates, Bluetooth and Wifi improvements
- More miscellaneous improvements and fixes on the source side
Device Changelog:
- Update Redfin fp to May
- Use latest Rename Kernel v4.9.304
- Remove vendor Render Script implementation
- Disable SDM Scalar
- Update camera props
- Improve ZSL/HDR processing
- Misc changes & Improvements
- Clean Flash Recommended.
- Use Nikgapps for vanilla Build
- For Testers and Developers.
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