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Shapeshift OS v2.5 | Grovyle
Android: 11 (R)
Updated: 12.05.21
By: @galanteria01
Source Side:
Shapeshift OS Version 2.5-Grovyle
- April security patch
- import oos volume bar icons
- add lineage powerhal to custom interfaces
- update gapps package
- a new default wallpaper
- add back shapeshift walls with new ones for 11
- add extreme battery saver
- small changes to settings intelligence UI
- add dynamic volte/vowifi icons
- improve refresh rate switching
- add time spent in app from wellbeing to app info page
- redesign recent buttons
- improve alert slider dialog animations
- use md2 icons for gaming mode
- new shapeshift clock
- increase scrim to 90% in launcher light theme
- show temperature in battery info page
- add animation to battery header in battery info page
- add per-app sensor blocking
- add fps info tile
- add Bluetooth and wifi timeout features
- add support for global cleartext penalties
- fix battery per cent flickering in status bar
- add back black qs header
Device Side:
- Initial first build with new maintainer
- Oss vendor build
- Gapps Included
- Donation is highly required for baring/maintaining the server costs
[rl_gallery id="1942"] |
- @ghostrider_reborn for amazing work on trees
- All the testers and everyone who is directly or indirectly associated with the project.
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