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Corvus OS v17.0 | Vanguard
Device: Redmi Note 8 | Ginkgo
Build Date: 31-10-2021
Android: 11 (R)
Maintainer: @Introdructor
Source Side:
Corvus OS v17.0 – Vanguard Changelogs:
- Updated security patch to Android-11.0.0_r48
- Rebased AV for devices with Audio/Video issues and extensive support
- Rebased ART and Bionic for improved optimisation and benchmark performance
- Added Full native ZygoteJustInTime Support (Perf)
- Added EROFS support
- Added extensive F2FS support
- Updated Iorap and LMKD
- Enabled Global ThinLTO (Perf)
- Updated SQLite
- Updated arm-optimized-routines
- Switched to improved Jemalloc memory allocation
- Disabled Setup Wizard by default (Caused Non stop FC for some users)
- and many more tweaks and optimisation
- Added ability to adjust app drawer opacity
- Added App drawer background blur
- Added ability to adjust app icon size
- Added ability to set bottom Google SearchBar
- Added toggle to show Free RAM in Recents
- Added ability to toggle Homescreen app dock background
- Removed homescreen app dock bottom space
- Redesigned Recent view action buttons
- Nuked Reticker (Caused SystemUI restart)
- New Brightness Slider Style Implementation
- Added A12 style and Custom brightness slider style along with the default style
- Added Color Coded battery level indication (Does not work with Portrait style)
- Added QS Tile to trigger Corvus ZenMode
- Fixed Long Press QS tile force close for CPU Info and FPS Info tile
- Added intent to start Doze Settings on AOD Tile long click
- Added ability to record longer videos (Screen Recorder)
- Added ability to set low quality in screen recording
- Added Blinking Dot overlay to stop recording
- Added 5 variety of QS Tile tint style
- Added ability to randomly choose System Accent color from Raven Themes
- Added Ability to control QS Panel and Notification transparency
- Made Improvements to the QS Panel Media player
- Re-Implemented Settings list bounce animation
- Added New Gaming Mode in RavenLair->Miscellaneous->Gaming Mode
- Removed overly used Lottie animations settings wide
- Mini re-design of RavenLair
- Nuked Full screen cutout (wasn’t working)
- Implemented Notch Killer overlay in Display Settings to extend apps beyond the notch
- Added ability to toggle off Keyboard bottom space from Settings->System->Gestures->System navigation->IME button space
- Added toggle for high touch sensitivity in Display settings
- Added seekbar for Notification and QS Panel Transparency
- Made UI improvements to Gaming Mode QS Tiles style
- Added Ability to see RAM usage within the Gaming mode overlay
- Redesigned Date and clock style and battery level in Gaming mode overlay
- Slight changes to the Performance Seekbar
Device Side:
- Initial Build.
- All Developers and Testers.
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