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TenX OS v3.1 | Flash
Android: 11 (R)
By: Naufal Wiwit
Source Changelogs:
- Merged May security patches.
- Improved setting Ambient Battery Temperature & percentage.
- Improved Oxygen OS like settings layout.
- Improved brightness slider paddings.
- Redesigned About Phone.
- Redesigned TenX Settings.
- Fixed keyguard/UI/lock screen lag/bug.
- Fixed QS Panel background image.
- Fixed Suggestions card’s Toggle.
- Fixed Incall vibrations & Custom vibration pattern.
- Added QQS Brightness slider.
- Added Increasing ring feature.
- Added Statusbar signal & WiFi bar icons.
- Added Statusbar Height options.
- Added Seekbar styles.
- Added a Toggle for QS Tile Mask.
- Added QS Tile styles & custom tint options.
- Added Switch styles.
- Added UI styles.
- Added Settings dashboard icons. Thanks to @Roger_T for the icons.
- Added Blur intensity for QS Panel background image.
- Added Statusbar/QS header weather image.
- Added Statusbar Start & End Padding options.
- Added Dual status bar mod.
- Added QS Row configs.
- Added Oxygen OS & Android 12 QS Tile tint.
- Added option to choose QS Header image from Storage.
- Added Custom QS Tile size.
- Added a Toggle to change volume panel position.
- Added Expanded volume panel.
- Added option to hide Statusbar in lockscreen>
- Added Lockscreen background blur slider.
- Added Blink Flashlight for calls & customisations including Blink rate.
- Added Notifications opacity.
- Added Lottie animation & size for Sammy clock styles.
- Added Max lock screen notifications count.
Device changelogs:
- Prebuilt ANXCamera
- Used May Redfin FP
- Gapps are prebuilt.
- Clean Flash is Recommended.
- All Developers and Testers.
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