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Superior OS Xcalibur available for Realme XT
Developers: @ayanm09
Codename: RMX1921
Build Date: 18/06/2021
Source Changelog:
- Merged June security patch
- Added 2 more QS Tile tint options
- Added battery health section (Optional)
- Added seamless clock switch (Lock screen clock)
- Added switch to link ring and media notification volumes
- Added toggle to show volume panel on left
- Added more apns
- Dropped flipendo
- Improved display refresh rate implementation
- Moved fonts to theme section
- Never show suggestions (Settings)
- Revamped Settings dashboard icons
- Redesigned Settings search bar & header
- Removed black QS status bar background
- Reimplemented volume panel in a better way
- Updated default wallpaper
- Updated prebuilt apps
- Translation merged from our crowdin
- Some more stuffs here & there
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed some blank clock thumbnails
- Fixed inactive state Wifi Icon in Kai Icon Pack
- Fixed lock status bar glitches after reboot
- Fixed some issues related to backup tool
- Fixed Network traffic visibility on overlay change
Device Changelog:
- Initial Build.
- Clean Flash Recommended.
- For All Developers and Testers.
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