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Palladium OS | Stable | Official | Android 11
Version: 1.3
Device: Realme X
Device Codename: RMX1901
Build Type: Gapps & Vanilla
Device Maintainer: @HaSSaN_MoHl
Build Date: 19/05/2021
- Merged May security patch.
- Update PixelPropUtils to redfin May fingerprint.
- Added New Palladium Clock Based on Moto Display.
- Added Support for Lawnchair Launcher.
- Added screenshot quality setting.
- Added Music ticker
- Redesigned Media Player View.
- Added Incall vibration options
- Added an option to Show and edit Ambient Icons on Lockscreen
- Added HeadsUp snooze function
- Added HeadsUp timeout option
- Added Status bar notification ticker
- Added optional coloured Statusbar Icons
- Redesign BatteryMeterView
- Fixed Settings & endless SystemUI crash
Device Changelog:
- May Redfin fp
- Fixed proximity and aod thanks to @BaabuBhaiyaa
- Clean Flash Recommended.
[rl_gallery id="3771"] |
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