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Bliss ROM 16.1 | 12 Arcadia
For Asus Zenfone 6
By Jackeagle
Source Changelog:
Bliss 16.1:
- Merged with November Security Patch Release
- Added the option to change Lockscreen Date and Widget Fonts
- Less boring HeadsUp
- HeadsUp Customization
- StatusBar Clock Customizations
- Hide Call Strength in StatusBar
- User-selectable VoWiFi Icons
- User-selectabel VoLTE Icons
- Optional Roaming Indicator
- Network Traffic Layout
- Newer fonts being added
- BlissUpdater
- Live Volume Steps
- Runtime configurable Audio Panel Location
- Hide LockScreen Shortcuts on Secure LockScreen
- AOD on Charging
- Burn-In Protection Support
- NTFS support
- Misc Improvements and Fixes
Device Changelog:
- Completely source built vendor
- Selinux Enforced
- Widevine L1 (Tested on Developer device)
- Added AsusParts
- Added Screen off Touch Gestures
- Added Smart Key Customizations
- Fixed Smart Key actions resetting on reboot
- Added Camera Motor Caliberation option in AsusParts
- Fixed Factory Reset from Settings reboots to bootloader
- Fixed Recovery Factory Reset issue
- Fixed Navigation Bar going off position
- Fixed Double Tap to Wake on lockscreen
- Added Fingerprint Gestures Customization
- Optimized and cleanup
- Gapps Inbuilt
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