ArrowOS – OFFICIAL | Android 12.
Updated: 04/02/’22
Source Side:
Device Side:
- Import default dex2oat sets from Redbull and adapt to sdm660
- Limit the dex2oat resource when thermal stress
- Enable dex2oat64 usage
- Update DPM Stack from DDV
- Enable DPM features
- Disable Async MTE on System Server
- Disable RX wake lock feature in both rom side and kernel side
- Move NoCutoutOverlay to RRO
- XiaomiParts: Add translations for several languages
- kernel: Upstream to v4.4.302 (EOL of 4.4 baseline)
- kernel: Avoid some overhead
- kernel: Optimize to reduce some CPU power consumption with WiFi
- Other fixes and improvements
- Clean Flash Recommended.
- All Developers and Testers.
- @Ratoriku