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DerpFest 12 Shion
Android: 12 (S)
For: Redmi 6 Pro (Sakura)
Updated: 12/02/2022
By: @SuperCosmicBeing
Rom Changelog:
DerpFest 12 – Android 12:
- Merge February Security patch (android-12.0.0_r29)
- Add 3-button navbar styles
- Add Gphotos unlimited storage switch
- Add Outline iconpack
- Add Weed wifi icons
- Add Headsup Blacklist
- CAF Bluetooth upstream from latest QSSI 12 tag
- PixelPropsUtils: Whitelist ARCore
- PixelPropsUtils: Add netflix to raven spoofing list
- PixelPropsUtils: Spoof as redfin to GBoard
- PixelPropsUtils: Do not spoof Play Store
- Fix sound panel not showing alarm volume when “link ringtone and notif volume” is disabled
- Fix crash caused by Heads-Up timeout
- Fix issue where pill disappears in gestural mode
- Proper fix for Wifi Manager NPE
- Ignore timeout when taking partial screenshots
- Import missing lottie swipe fingerprint from redfin
- Rounded lines for DerpFest logo in about phone and improve layout with help from Ido
- Fix NFC preference in Settings not listening to changes from the NFC tile
- Convert one-handed mode to a PrimarySwitchPreference
- Add back LTE only setting
- DerpSpace: Fix visibility issue with black theme
- DerpSpace: Move pulse on new tracks to ambient ui fragment
- DerpSpace: Add Chinese translations
- DerpLauncher: Update search icon to match Settings
- DerpLauncher: Categorize settings
- DerpLauncher: Implement hidden & protected apps
- DerpLauncher: Improve Pisselbar theming
- DerpLauncher: Add user-specified default home page shortcut
- DerpLauncher: Use app opening animation for notification opening
- DerpLauncher: Add show Date instead of Now Playing switch
- DerpLauncher: Implement Recent Apps locking
- DerpLauncher: Add restart action on the options menu
- DerpLauncher: Move developer option to options menu
- DerpLauncher: Allow disabling workspace edit
- DerpLauncher: Cleanup unused SwipeDownGesture code
- DerpLauncher: Update device profiles display option
- DerpLauncher: Fix hotseat icon number on 4×5 profile
- DerpLauncher: Fixup OnGlobalLayoutListener usage on QuickSpace
- DerpLauncher: Switch to LawnIcons
- DerpLauncher: Add Google Lens scan button to the recent apps
- DerpLauncher: Add German translations
- QuickSpace: Make date and now playing clickable
- Quickspace: Add contextual messages/greetings event
- Quickspace: Use system font and remove dividers
- Quickspace: Abbreviate the date format to be like Pixel
- DerpLauncher: Fix NPE on Uninstall shortcut popup
- DerpLauncher: Add toggle for desktop and drawer labels
- System shortcut: Make shortcut ripple covered totally when click it
- Quickstep: Add chinese translation
- WallpaperPicker: Use Google Sans for lockscreen preview
- Updater: Switch to rounded button layout
- Updater: Fix Android version strings
- Add Russian translation for DerpLauncher and additions in AOSP settings
- New DerpFest bootanimation (not yet added to whyred, because creating boot issues)
- Add back colored statusbar icons switch
- Implement cutout force full screen
- Improve location privacy indicator toggle (don’t need sysui restart anymore)
- Allow toggling camera/mic privacy indicator
- Reduce padding use by privacy indicator resources
- Fix location privacy indicator getting stuck
- QuickStatusBarHeader: Fix clickability issue with privacy indicator
- Fix glitchy battery view in quick status bar header
- Improve Black theme and move to DerpSpace
- ThemeOverlayApplier: Apply wifi and signal icon styles last
- Add HarmonySans and Tinkerbell font
- Add Glove Mode QS Tile
- Add Powershare QS tile
- Fix scrolling lag in fod icon picker
- Add additional FOD resources from @RedSkulMods
- Add back screen off fod toggle
- Improve FOD haptic feedback toggle
- Allow toggling floating rotation button
- Volume key music control: include remote streams
- Fix volume toggle in status bar tuner
- Fix method for disabling unlock ripple animation
- QS customizer: Better string for ‘reset’ menu item
- IdleManager: Update timeout and processes again
- Fix navigation bar button hit testing
- privapp-permissions: Grant missing TelephonyProvider perm
- DarkMode Settings: Use List Preference rather ugly Drop Down
- Add smart idle maintenance service
- Rebranded Recovery and sideload UI
- GameSpace: Add Screen for Per-app configuration
- GameSpace: Add implementation for the GameMode ANGLE Intervention
- GameSpace: Add German and Chinese translations
- GameSpace: Fix several lifecycle issues
- GameSpace: Improve FPS counter accuracy
- Port Ambient Now Playing container from Pixel
- Add Ambient instead of lockscreen on wake gestures switch
- Add Adaptive Playback
- Add toggle to force small lockscreen lock
- Add SettingsIntelligenceGooglePrebuilt (needed for power usage feature)
- Settings: Import PowerUsageFeatureGoogle
- Settings: Implement RoutinesActionBroadcastReceiver
- Add Google Flipendo prebuilt (aka Extreme Battery Saver)
- Add flipendo to Battery Saver tile
- Switch PixelProps to redfin to fix Play Store certification
- Require unlocking to use Internet quick tile
- Battery Styles: Fix landscape battery size
- Battery Styles: Fix percentage view on landscape battery
- Battery Styles: Set proper battery style on init
- IdleManager: Add more processes and shorten timeout
- Make QS brightness slider animation more subtle
- Add missing initial call to updateResources in brightness mirror
- ColorUtils: Prevent crash if alpha component is translucent
- VolumeDialog: notifyVisible after the volume panel is fully hidden
- VolumeDialogControllerImpl: Stop log spam with no caption service
- MediaDataManager: Use safe cast to avoid NPE
- DisplayDeviceRepository: Don’t spam log when display state changes
- SystemNavigationGestureSettings: Fix back gesture edge insets resetting back when fullscreen gestures is enabled
- Settings: Fix edit menu icon tint in several preferences
- Checkout APNs to LA.QSSI.12.0.r1-05100-qssi.0
- ThemePicker: Implement coloring in wallpaper preview fragment
- AmbientUI: Add missing German translations
- Update Tachiyomi Icon to follow new outlined lawnicons style
Device Side:
- Added OTA Support
- Made hal switcher persist across reboots
- Fixed privacy dot indicator in status bar
- Misc fixes and improvements
- Gapps included
- Turn on cam2api only for gcams, flash issues with cam2api on other cams
- Gapps included
- OTA support isn’t added yet
- Turn on cam2api only for gcams, flash issues with cam2api on other cams
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- For All Testers and Developers.
- Thanks to @Lakshay_codez and other derpsakura members for testing
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