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Descendants XI
Android: 11 (R)
Size: 661MB
Released: 09.02.21
By: @Sathamspot
- Vanilla build so flash Gapps / Use Pixel launcher / Face unlock will be added in next build
Device Changelogs:
- Initial “Descendant OS” build !
- February security patch
- Latest Descendant sources
- CTS passes by default
- Default Kernel – MadKernel
Source Changelogs:
- Security bulletin resolution of 5 Feb have been merged
- Solved an issue with BT-QTI codec strings
- Solved an issue that generated random “extra” corners around Brightness Bar
- Solved an issue which prevented the event pill to open the correct app on tap
- Solved Weather not being visible in QS
- Screenshot timings and interaction have been improved.
- Brightness bar icons have been improved.
- Blur rendering and radius have been improved.
- Text styles in QS have been improved.
- Improved Taperect icons overlay.
- Improved Weather Widget touchability in QS.
- Improved Shutdown Menu UI.
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- Added Network Monitor has been added under Settings -> Wifi & Network
- Keyguard Wellbeing Stats has been added to Descendant Health
- A new clock has been added: Circles Clock.
- Accessible via Styles app or directly by lockscreen long-tapping on the clock and swiping.
- Added an extra button on Screenshot menu.
- Same as any ROM.
- Do the necessary wipes and flash the ROM.
- No wipes are needed between updates from Descendant itself, unless specified.
- If you’re having problem with SafetyNet, please, install Magisk along the following modules:
- SafetyPatcher, Magisk Hide Props or similar modules.
- But please, mind, we won’t support any issue arising from Magisk nor relative modules.
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