New build for OnePlus Nord (Avicii)
by Amol Amrit (AmolAmrit)
- Version: Eleven with GApps
- Build date: September 22nd 2021
- File size: 1.76 GiB
- Md5: 860b24e831112da171c55bc8da8492a1
Source Side:
Aosp Extended v8.6 Changelog
- Merge September security patch 11.0.0_r43
- Update all of our packages
- Update our pre-built packages
- Update some translations
- Add our new AEX launcher
- Add more UI style overlays
- Add brightness slide styles
- Add sensor off QS tile
- Add Montserrat font
- Add more charging animations
- Add mac address firewall
- Add center clock for some devices
- Add toggle and customizations for QS media player
- Add support for Dirac and MiSoundFX API sound for some devices
- Add delete notification for screen records
- Add aggressive battery mode
- Add automated sleep mode feature
- Allow for handling sensor permissions for applications
- Allow locking tasks in the recent menu
- Allow customizations of fonts for user apps
- Implement android twelve fragments in settings app
- Improve android twelve clock style
- Improve QS media player
- Fix few theming issues
- Fix battery estimate toggle
- Fix safety net issue for some devices
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Device Changelog:
- Add live display
- Adjust keyguard margin
- Update build fingerprint
- Update model name & device name
- Disable smart pixels because it was causing issues
- Our FOD sensor has some limitations, it does not work well with high-intensity night light, animations and different FOD icon colors when it is pressed. So please do not report bugs related to them.
- It is advised to use the “stock-like” animations and FOD icon colors (Cyan, Green) or else your FOD won’t function properly.
- Flash recovery and reboot to recovery
- Format data
- Use apply update from ADB
- Enter ‘adb sideload $’
- Reboot to system
- All Developers and Testers.