- Superior OS is an AOSP-based ROM that works on Android OS 11,12,13,14.
- We trying to fulfill the demands of users regarding features, Stability & performance
- Clock and Date Customisations
- Traffic indicators
- 4G Icon Instead of LTE
- Rows and columns tweaks
- Double-tap to sleep
- H/W keys customisation
- Enable/Disable Navbar
- Three Finger Screenshot
- Accent Color Manager
- Headsup Customisations etc.
Source Changelog:
February 2024 Build: (10/02/2024)
- Merged February ASB (android-14.0.0_r25)
- Removed colored charging bolt indicator
- Turned on VoLTE/VoWiFi icon by default
- Added CM lockscreen settings
- Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation support
- Added adaptive playback support
- Added QS tile layout settings
- Disabled rotation on lockscreen
- Added option for haptic feedback for QS tiles
- Added Ambiant display and AOD QS tiles
- Added Optional haptic feedback on back gesture support
- Added navigation mode/ extended gestures for navigation bar
- Added Phonelink support [Optional]
- Added detailed batterystats option in Battery page
- Dropped Metro, Handwriting and waether clocks
- Updated prebuilts
- Merged translations from crowdin
- Misc improvement and fixes
September 2023 Build: (21/09/2023)
- Merged September security patch (Android 13.0.0 release 75)
- Switched Mobile Legends spoofing to Mi11TP
- Switched back BGMI spoofing to OnePlus 8 Pro
- Added lock screen weather support
- Added optional dot gallery build support
- Added quick space event support
- Allowed wildcard in RRO system property value checks
- Updated prebuilt
- Updated Apns
- Updated Glide library to 4.15.1
- Imported translations from Crowdin
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed app lock to allow biometric toggle ignored (always on)
- Fixed circle camera view background color (Face enroll)
May 2023 Build: (05/05/2023)
- Merged May Security Patch (Android 13.0.0 Release 43)
- Updated PixelPropUtil fingerprints
- Added Power Off Alarm Service
- Added dynamic spacing for lock screen clock
- Improved Pocket mode
- Fixed some issues related to PIP animation
- Miscellaneous changes & some bug fixes
April 2023 Build: (23/04/2023)
General Changes:
- Added Option to unlock higher FPS in games
- Added PocketJudge AKA Pocket lock
- Added QS Header Images support
- Added Option to enable/disable FingerPrint Authentication Vibration
- Added Monet customization
Superior Launcher:
- Follow all apps background for taskbar slide in view
- Add light theme for taskbar background
- Open google weather on tapping smart space
- Open running services activity when clicking mem info view
- Disable white gradient on home screen
- Vibrate effect for clear all button
- Vibrate on double tap to sleep
- Refine dock and all apps UI
- Removed shadow behind action bar
- Introduce contextual dashboard messages
- Add Bouncy scrollview from OOS
Fixes and Improvements:
- Re-import Linotte font (Added light and regular variants)
- Fix up bolt icon when charging
- InternetDialog: Require unlocking to turn on hotspot
- Replace lockscreen icons with two-tone icons
- SystemUI: Open google weather on tapping smartspace
- Use two-tone icon for default profile image
- Use red color for low bluetooth battery
- Follow status bar battery style in QS
- Enabled new output switcher
- Allow toggling VoWiFi while roaming by default
- Fixup some NPE
- Updated gapps
- Updated prebuilts
- Merged Translations
March 2023 Build: (25/03/2023)
- March security patch (android 13.0.0_r35)
- Rebase over Android 13 QPR 2.
- Because of rebase over QPR 2 some features are not available yet but will be available in the next updates.
- We suggest you to clean flash this update.
March 2023 Build: (07/03/2023)
General Changes:
- Added some precooked themes (vivid, snow paint, expresso)
- Added Pulse and Ambient notification bars (Edge light)
- Added support for per-app volume
- Added support to theme app drawer icons
- Added extended gesture support
- Added Hardware key Customization support
- Add QS tile layout settings
- Added dash, super dart & wrap charging support
- Added refresh rate tile
- Added quick QS pull option
- Added status bar and nav bar burn in protection
- Added support for some CAF goodies (Framework boost…etc)
- Added support for automated DC Dimming
- Added a cluster of new fonts
- Added some new navbar & status bar styles
- Connected QS footer data usage to mobile data usage page
- Updated smart space to 13-QPR1
- Updated prebuilt apps
- Optimized notification icon resources
- Improvements to alert slider implementation
- Made QS footer rounded
- Removed app info bottom sheet
- Translations merged from Crowdin
Fixes and Improvements:
- Added some missing permissions
- Fixed themed icons not applying to all supported apps
- Fixed toast background color not changing with a theme change
- Fixed profile provisioning check in secondary users
- Fixed the problem of slow exit of the boot animation
- Fixed camera in google meet/duo
- Fixed some ripple animation-related issues (FP)
- Fixed broken Bluetooth battery level
- March security patch is delayed because of QPR 2 release by Google, So this build is coming with February Security Patch
- We will release March security patch builds as soon as we finish our works on QPR 2 merge
January 2023 Build: (07/01/2023)
General Changes:
- January 2023 Security patch (android-13.0.0_r23)
- Added Gamespace
- Added VoLTE/VoWiFi icon support
- Added UDFPS support
- Added screen off FOD support
- Added UDFPS icon and animation support
- Added smartspace support for lockscreen and homescreen (Use full gapps)
- Allow changing gesture navbar length
- Optional haptic feedback on back gesture
- Show battery level for BT devices
- Added tuneable clock position
- Added support for clock auto hide
- Configurable 0,90,180,270 degrees rotation
- CyanogenMod screen security settings
- Long press power button for flashlight
- Hide power menu on secure lockscreen
- Lockscreen media art and Blur options
- Pulse music visualizer
- Updated themedicons from DGicons veux
- Option to hide searchbar on app drawer(Launcher3)
- Translations merged from Crowdin
Fixes and Improvements:
- Added various fixes for UDFPS
- Added various icons for SystemUI/base
- Dropped QR code scanner on lockscreen
- Fixup! add tile by single click
- Match lockscreen clock font with system
- Use google dialer icon for Our AOSP dialer
November 2022 Build:
General Changes:
- Merged November ASB (android-13.0.0_r13)
- Added Updater (OTA support)
- Implemented screen off FOD
- Added theme suport for QS panel
- Added toggle for QS data usage
- Added Support for require unlocking to use sensitive QS tiles
- Added dataswitch and reboot QS tiles
- Added navbar layout inversion tuning
- Optional haptic feedback on back gesture
- Double tap to sleep on lockscreen
- Double tap to sleep on statusbar
- Optional fingerprint authentication vibration
- Less boring heads up notification option
- Added Pulse and Ambient notification bars
- Added VoLTE and VoWiFi icons with custom icon support
- Allow doubletap/longpress power to toggle torch
- Added option to disable IME space [Only for Gesture Navigation]
- Added quick settings pull down with one finger
- Added Haptic Feedback to tiles
- Updated prebuilts and default wallpaper
Fixes and Improvements:
- Fixed Volume Long Press Skip Tracks when screen is off
- Fixed vibrate icon not showing on lockscreen
- Pixelproputils improvemnets
- Fixed QS tile reset text color
- Force disabled PlayServices OTA checks
- Fixed menu popup ripple
- Fixed some NPE and reported bugs
Here are Some Download link For Superior OS: