Evolution X v7.3
Android: 13 (T)
Updated: 14-11-2022
By: Pham Nguyen Gia Khiem (Cyder)
ROM changes:
Evolution X v7.3:
- Merge November 2022 security patches
- PixelPropsUtils: Update fingerprints to November 2022 release
- Settings: Remove offsets from Evo X logo
- SystemUI: Add VPNTethering tile
- SystemUI: Check whether the selected WFD route is available
- apns: Added IA APN types to all default type APNs
- apns: Format xml spacing
- core: Treat reboot boot mode same as normal one
- fixup! Do not dismiss keyguard after SIM PUK unlock
- version: Uprev to 7.3
- Settings: Allow disabling clipboard overlay
- Settings: Ambient Music Ticker – Allow to pulse on new tracks
- TrafficStats: Stop the spam
- Update various corner radiuses to align with AOSP apps
- PixelPropsUtils: Get package name from context instead of app
- camera: Allow extending aux list/excludelist
- AlertWindowNotification: Correctly load app label
- Allow screen unpinning on devices without navbar
- AmbientIndicationContainer: Fix possible NPE
- Fix NPE when finishing remote animation
- Fix screen unpinning text on devices that have gestures on fp sensor
- SettingsGoogle: Update resources from cheetah
- SystemUIGoogle: Update resources from cheetah
- lmkd: fix the cgroup attribute name to MemCgroupEventControl
- reTicker: Do not jump to app when clicked in games
- vendor: rro_overlays: Update from cheetah
Device changes:
- Switch back to EXT4 for /system and /vendor.
- Upstreamed kernel to 4.9.332 with some improvements.
- Build LineageOS high touch sensitivity.
- Build LineageOS LiveDisplay.
- Don’t pin launcher app in memory.
- powerhint: Don’t send QoS request during launch.
- Enable QR shortcut on lock screen.
- Disable Adaptive Connectivity preference.
- Enable Zygote critical window.
- Implement UsbDataStatus.
- Heat and battery usage increased.
- Clean Flash Recommended.
- All Testers and Developers.
Hey I there
I really like your ROM but Samsung health or Samsung gear app doesn’t work.
Please help