New Xtended update for hotdog
Version: XR v7.0
Date: 23 Jun 2021
Variant: Vanilla
Maintainer: @mukesh22584
Size: 1.1 GB
Source Side:
Changelog for Xtended XR v7.0
- Merged June Security Patch (android-11.0.0_r38)
- Bump Xtended Version to XR-v7.0
- Added Lockscreen weather & styles
- Added a toggle for QS footer text
- Allow customizing footer text
- Allow disabling qs footer warnings
- Added Lockscreen charging battery bar
- Added switch styles
- Added 3 mode display cutout handler
- Added custom rounded corner customisation
- Added cutout force fullscreen
- Added POSP volume panel styles
- Added reTicker (Slim & less invasive notifications)
- Allow suppressing notifications sound/vibration if the screen is ON
- Allow to quickly open Running Services from QS panel
- Added smart pixels
- Added Seamless clock switch on the lock screen
- Added Gaming mode
- Added Quick QS Pulldown
- Added Smart Pulldown
- Allow disabling quick settings on the secure lock screen
- Added navigation bar visibility control
- Allow setting custom symbol near the text on charging
- Added dynamic theme fonts
- Added support for device alert sliders ( OnePlus devices only)
- Introduce awesome brightness slider style
- Added Xtended System-wide Slider Styles
- Added a toggle for coloured status bar Icons
- Added QS-Clock Font style, size & colours options
- Added Battery bar
- Added QS and status bar logos
- Improve ScreenRecord Dialog layout
- Hide gesture pill from showing on lock screen
- Added navbar styles ( For 3 buttons navigation only)
- Added lock screen charging °F/°C toggle
- Remove black QS status bar background
- Desk clock improvements
- Auto brightness improvements
- Face unlock improvements
- Applock improvements
- Fixed clock previews in styles and wallpapers
- Fixed Wifi settings dashboard icon tint in dark mode
- Fixed lock screen charging animation reset on reboot
- Fixed lock screen colors crashing in Lockscreen UI menu
- Decrease vertical padding between QS tiles
- Code cleanup and optimisation
Device Side Changes:
- Kernel upstream to 4.14.237
- Improved auto brightness
- Removed screen off FOD
- Added missing wide color mode
- Added Slider Toast
- Set FOD color to transparent
- Improved FOD
- Updated Gapps
- Fixed OK Google voice detection
- Removed scren off FOD
- Removed FOD pressed color (Cyan is default)
- Clean Flash Recommended.