Superior OS Android 12
Android: 12 (S)
Updated: 2022/02/14
By: Ankan Ghosh
Source Changelog:
General Changes:
- Merged February security patch (r29)
- Added small keyguard clock
- Added pitch black theme
- Added toggle to force combined signal icon
- Added signal and wifi icon style theming
- Added PUI iconpack
- Added colored notification icon
- Added toggle to disable notification header
- Added Option for blocking annoying statusbar call strength icon
- Added support for device alert sliders
- Added Google Photos to the spoof list
- Added missing permissions
- Added refresh rate adjustment settings
- Adjusted brightness slider dimensions
- Adjusted default navbar layouts
- Extended monet to fingerprint authentication ripple animation
- Imported missing lottie for swipe fingerprint from redfin
- Made QS brightness slider animation more fluent
- Network Traffic Indicator: Removed screen on/off triggers
- Refactored Volume Long Press Skip Tracks
- Refactored media art customizations
- Refactored Wifi Calling description text
- Removed streaming apps from Pixel prop utils
- Removed gcam and mods from spoof list
- Upstreamed sepolicy_vndr repo
- Updated Superior Walls (Added Monet support)
- Updated Lawnchair APK to Lawnchair 12 Alpha 5
- Updated Lawnicons APK to Lawnicons 1.0.0
- Updated fingerprint To February 2022 Security Patch
Superior Launcher:
- Added restart action
- Added option to change icon & font size
- Added preference for opening AiAi suggestion settings
- Added Google Lens scan button to the recent apps
- Added toggle to theme dock search bar icons
- Added toggle to disable workspace edit
- Implemented Hotseat search bar
- Refactored DT2S switch
- Updated clear all icon
- Fixed crash when the alpha component is translucent
- Fixed ripple animation for side fp devices
- Fixes notch hide overlay on some devices
- Fixed status bar and QS margins and paddings
- Fixed lock screen wallpaper bug
- Fixed Gesture icon weird overlay issue
- Fixed gesture navigation fails to move to the bottom
- Fixed settings search bar colors & layout
- Fixed some log spam & System UI crashes
- Clean Flash Recommended.
- For All Developers and Testers.