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Pixel Plus UI OFFICIAL update is now available for
Xiaomi Mi 9 (Cepheus) by freesoul00
- Build Version: v4.8
- Build Type: Gapps
- Build Date: 24-08-2022
- Build Status: Stable
Source Changelog:
Pixel Plus UI OFFICIAL v4.8:
- Merged the latest August Security patch
- Redesigned QS Panel [optional]
- New UI for Data, WIFI, Bluetooth Panels
- System UI: Redesign Brightness Slider
- New about phone UI (Bring it back from A11 PPUI)
- Redesigned Settings Homepage
- Allowed changing Settings Title
- Redesign seek bar
- Show percentage in the volume panel
- Allow limiting AOD & ambient display refresh rate
- Media notification background customizations
- Lock screen album art filter
- Added Pulse and Ambient notification bars
- Introduce the user interface for Alert Sliders (OnePlus)
- Coloured Status bar Icons (optional)
- notification counters (optional)
- Added Custom Clock Support
- Smart Charging (Not for all Devices)
- Redesign Power Menu
- Introduce Battery Landscape
- Add monet colors to Privacy indicators
- Enable Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Improved cache handling
- Follow the navbar color in the base
- Increased touch sensitivity (glove mode)
- Show Android version as 12L
- Improved stability and performance
- Misc changes and improvements
Device Changelog:
- Clean Flash Recommended.
- All Developers and Testers.
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