Nusantara Project | Update | Android 12L
- Device: Realme C2 (RMX1941)
- NAD Version: Sate
- Nusantara Edition : Vanilla | GApps
- Built Date: 16-06-2022
- Maintainer: Fraschze97
Nusantara Project | v4.6 | Sate
- Merge security patch June android-12.1.0_r8
- Added charger battery warning
- Added toggling floating rotation button
- Added game prop toggle
- Added alpha animation for Quick QS Clock
- Added simple RGB color balance transform
- Added toggling camera/mic privacy indicator
- Allow skipping confirmation in the biometric auth dialog
- Allow disabling fingerprint wake-and-unlock
- Fixed daveys when latch_unsignaled is used
- Improvement of QS panel UI
- Improvement art bionic optimization from aospa
- Improvement gamespace
- Open the screenshot instead of edit
- Provide required permissions for cellbroadcastreceiver
- Silent some aosp logspam
Device Changelog:
- set logger buffer size to 256K
- Improvement init.performance
- Enable EAS instead of HMP
- Stop NFC hal on non-NFC device
- Address mtk_hal_camera denies
- Dynamically Allocate zram 80% of ram
- Switch to a prebuilt GrapheneOS Camera
- Sync idle/touch to raven
- set readahead_size_kb=128 to system and data
- enable Call recording feature for GDialer
- Update Build fp from Coral April’22 A12.1
- Prefer hwcodecs for thumbnails
- Disable TTS force stop warning
- tune zram performance
- Enable USB and skin temperature warnings
- Hide GPS logs by default
- fix deprecated power profile items
- Dontaudit untrusted_app to open ashmem_device
- Allow rild to access prop
- Recommended clean flash
- RMUI 1 Based
- OSS-Vendor
- Vanilla Build
- All Testers and Developers.