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Nusantara Project | UPDATE | 3.0 | Android 11
- Device: Realme 5 (RMX1911)
- NAD Version: Rotterdam
- Nusantara Edition : Vanilla
- Maintainer : @dodyirawan85
- Built Date: 21-06-2021
Nusantara Project | v3.0 | Rotterdam
Android 11:
- June security patch android•11.0.0_r38
- Added Sound tile
- Added option to record for longer
- Added LTE tile
- Added Adaptive charging
- Added runtime UI background blur
- Added Statusbar Ticker
- Added back signature spoofing
- The added hiding lock icon on the lock screen
- Added Flashlight blink on incoming calls customization
- Added support set volume for app
- Added toggle volume for app
- Added OSS 11 volte icon
- Added status bar NFC icon
- Added notification Blur
- Added lock screen Blur
- Added live volume step
- Added power menu background opacity
- Added back aosp settings style layout
- Added Lottie animation for settings
- Added unlocking fingerprint only on power button press
- Added NusantaraPapers on Theme Picker
- Clean up omni style header image
- Explicitly make SBC Dual Channel an optional (HD) codec
- Fix label tint for random colour
- Fixed google sans font
- Improvement QS Detail layout
- Improvement volume dialogue code
- Improvement settings layout
- Improvement gaming mode
- Improvement toast notification
- Improvement network traffic layout
- Remove glassy themes
- Remove device hostname
Device Changelog:
- Switch to OSS vendor builds based on RealmeUI Firmware
- Shipped with SilonT-Sayu 4.14.237 kernel
- Fixed Double tap to wake
- Fixed Offline Charger
- Wi-Fi Display sometimes working
- Permissive SELinux
- Only Vanilla available
- Flash latest realme ui firmware before flashing rom
[rl_gallery id="2198"] |
- All Developers and Testers.
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