Nusantara Project | UPDATE | Android 13
- Version: Tidore
- Edition: Vanilla | GApps
- Maintainer: @zh4ntech x @whdbfl
- Date: 11/10/2022
Nusantara Project | v5.1 | Tidore
- Merge security patch October android-13.0.0_r7
- Added customization gestural hidden & length
- Added customization UDFPS
- Added customization Flashlight blink on incoming calls
- Added incall vibration options
- Added delete action chip intent screenshot
- Added reticker customization
- Added less boring heads-up option
- Added back monet customization
- Added Volume Rocker Wake
- Added proximity check on wake
- Added brightness slider customizations
- Added combined signal icons setting
- Added tint QSTile icon with accent color
- Added FloatingRotationButton for hw-key devices
- Added support per-app volume
- Added double tap to sleep on
- lockscreen and statusbar
- Added system themes back
- Added option to enable AOD on charging only
- Added runtime configurable audio panel location
- Added Lockscreen album art customization
- Allow to always show settings in the volume dialog
- Bring back the screenshot navbar action
- Introduce OOS style notification clear all button
- Introduce Custom Clock Support
- Introduce high touch polling rate feature control
- Introduce dynamic system bars
- Introduce Nusantara QS clock style
- Improvement of long screenshots & partial screenshot
- Improvement volume dialog
- Improvement Launcher3
- Improvement screen record dialog
- Implement framework dimming support for udfps
- Implement lock screen quick unlock
- Redesign settings dashboard layout
- Use user fonts for Material UI themes
Device Changelog:
- Sync Last Source
- Add FM Radio
- Add Mi Sound
- Upstreamed Kernel to 4.9.330
- Some misc improvements
- Clean Flash Recommended.
- Vanilla & GApps Build
- All Testers and Developers.