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LegionOS v3.6 | Asus Max Pro M2 | X01BD
▪️ Build date: 15.02.21
▪️ Security Patch: February
▪️ Android Version: 11
- Added new dialer app (supports many new features with new UI
- Added new Messaging app (Supports many new features with new UI)
- Added new clock app
- Merged February security patch from google
- Added long screenshot option aka extended screenshot
- Added icon pack support in legion launcher
- Many misc and animation and performance improvement for legion launcher
- Added switch styles
- Added tint/accent for switch styles
- Added date customizations
- Added clock customizations
- Added some translations
- Increased qs panel height a bit
- Removed qs drag header
- Fixed a case when using dark mode give fc in some apps
- Added option to tweak qs slider
- Added qs data usage
- Fixed some anr when installing apps
- Added new assistant ui from pixel5
- Added pixel props(free storage in photos/new gboard/new assistant UI etc)
- Invert nav bar
- Added new kai and Sam icon pack
- Fixed a case where system reboots while smart charging
- Some minor refactoring cleanup and misc changes
Device Changelog:
- updated to redfin Feb fp
- updated prebuilt apps
- fixed random lags and stuffs
- Clean flash is recommended
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Recommended gapps for vanilla build
- By @Babasahare72
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