Evolution X v6.0 Snow
Android: 12 (S)
Updated: 2022-02-21
By: Vyom Desai (CannedShroud)
ROM changes:
Evolution X v6.0 Snow::
- Settings: add menu item to toggle app lock debugging
- services: applock: fix showing unlock prompt for non visible packages
- Settings: Introduce App lock
- NotificationManagerService: Disable channel warning toast by default
- Pocket lock: Improve on UDFPS devices
- Settings: Restore AOSP fingerprint enrolling layouts
- fingerprint: Rework enrollment screen
- Merge Pixel r32 Feb 2022 security patches
- PixelPropsUtils: Update Raven to 2nd February 2022 Security patch fingerprint
- PixelPropsUtils: Remove Pubg New State from GamesProps
- core: Refactor Pixel 2021 features availability and PixelProps spoofing
- gms: Move back to P2020 Personalization services
- vold: add support for more filesystems for public storage
- Settings: Nuke ColorBucketPreference and overlays
- Settings: Nuke custom vibration intensity preferences
- SystemUI: DetailDialog: do not explicitly specify type parameters for setOnClickListener lambda
- SystemUI: Fix circle battery styles QS tinting
- SystemUI: QSTileImpl: bail out early in handleLongClick if getLongClickIntent returns null
- base: Declare cutout utils
- themes: Nuke ColorBucket overlays
- vendor: overlay: Force disable ambient music components
- Update some translations
- Fix ManagedServices concurrent ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- init: fix to set sd device label correctly for FS
- init: mount_handler: detect main block device more reliably
- init.rc: use /sys/class/block instead of /sys/devices/virtual/block
- media: update path for vendor specific config files
- overlays: Add Outline iconpack
- overlays: Add more icon shape overlays
- vold: Accept Linux GPT partitions on external SD cards
Device Changelog:
- Add support for Incremental OTA!
- Declare OpenGL ES dEQP level
- Disable VSync for CPU rendered apps
- Extend buffer size to 256kb for offload playback
- Enable AOSP surfaceflinger
- Enable app launch prefetching
- Enable camera API v2
- Enable FUSE passthrough by default
- Enable hapticTextHandle
- Enable high fps sf early phase offsets from raven (Pixel 6)
- Enable H/W Composition
- Explicitly enable IORap nad IORapd prefetching
- Fix issues with MI Thermal daemon (heating when charging)
- Force triple frame buffers
- Import [email protected] from stock
- Import { DOM, Nerual, SDM Vision, QSEE, QCC, QTEE, Time, Peripheral Manager } blobs from SKQ1.211006.001V13.0.5.0.SKOEUXM (MIUI 13)
- Kill some IMS loggging
- Make fastrpc_shell_3 publicly available
- Optimise dex flags
- Override heap growth limit to 256M
- Performance tuning (init)
- Remove ipa fw loading in postfs
- Set default GPU power level
- Set haptics overlays to max
- Switch to lisa’s own graphics firmware
- Switch to lisa’s own perf stack
- Switch to QuickSilver kernel by GR
- Updated JIT list for pinned blobs
- Use dex2oat64 on coral/flame
- Clean Flash Recommended.
- All Testers and Developers.