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Evolution X v5.9.1
Device: Realme 6 Pro (RMX206X)
by Sukrut4778
Version: Eleven
Build date: 11 Aug 2021
File size: 1.26 GB
ROM changes:
- Evolver: Introduce Brightness slider styles
- Evolver: Re-implement toggle to hide lock icon on the lock screen
- Lockton: Don’t centre on the bouncer
- AudioSystem: startAudioSource: ensure port handle initialized
- BatteryMeterView: make sure to update battery text
- MediaCarouselController: update background when settings are changed
- Evolver: Add a simple fade filter to the media artwork
- base: Set ic_avatar_user and ic_avatar_guest_user to follow system accent
- keyguard: Fix null text on 12 clocks after dismissing media
- vendor: Remove OPScreenRecord
- Alert Slider: check for existing dialogue before creating new
- KeyStore: Prevent NPE with trust manager service
- Evolver: Add Rounded Corner styles
- Settings: Create a new preview for dark theme styles
- Settings: Update Security Settings drawable from Android 12
- require unlocking to use hotspot quick tile
- require unlocking to use work mode tile
- soong: move header override to the compiler. go
- telephony: show ICCID by default for all
- AndroidSDP3ClockController: fix IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Settings: ColorBucketPreference: Nuke SettingsObserver
- SystemUI: Left align AOD notifications when required
- fixup! SystemUI: Left align owner info on some clocks
- fixup! keyguard: Introduce Android 12 ShapeShift clock
- AppLock: Fix biometric prompt disappearing if app launched from the resolver
- Evolver: Replace media notification background with artwork
- FODCircleView: Don’t show on top of assistant UI
- FODCircleView: Ignore assistant UI when showing the bouncer
- Improvements to QS player background artwork
- SystemUI: ditch unnecessary scaling in media notification background
- base: Match NFC status bar icon with QS one
- display: Make Night Light transition more gradual
- keyguard: Introduce new Android 12 clock
- keyguard: Left align lock icon when required
- ClockertinoClock: Add time refresh capabilities on AoD
- DataUsageView: Improvements and clean up
- Settings: Add preference for preferred refresh rate
- Settings: Move refresh rate settings into a separate fragment
- Settings: display: Add wake on plug switch
- SystemUI: Add ability to change the font style for new clocks
- SystemUI: Fix volume panel animation when on the left side
- VibratorService: bypass AppOps check
- ZipUtils: use FileChannel#size
- overlays: Add an OxygenOS icon pack
- telephony: Make IMS method update to state accessible
- InterruptionStateProvider: disable debugging
- Merge August 2021 Android security patches
- MiuiCompact Panel: Add alarm volume slider
- PixelPropsUtils: Update to August 2021 fingerprint
Device changes:
- No more flashing MODIFIED ZIP
- Cleanup fstab’s
- Set proper model property based on region
- Cleanup device settings
- Update to August 2021 fingerprint
- Clean flash is recommended
- All Developers and Testers.
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