Evolution X v7.2
Android: 13 (T)
Updated: 05/09/2022
By: Mir Yasin Ali
Evolution X v7.2:
- Merge October 2022 security patches
- version: Uprev to 7.2
- DeviceIdleJobsController: don’t ignore whitelisted system apps
- Don’t build CaptivePortalLoginGoogle/CaptivePortalLoginOverlay
- Evolver: Add Power menu animations
- Evolver: Allow Power/reboot menu transparency
- Evolver: Bring back Navbar visibility toggle
- Evolver: Bring back the Wi-Fi standard icon feature
- Evolver: Remove faulty privacy indicator implementation
- Evolver: Replace QS data usage with customizable footer text
- Fix QS tile position reset issue
- Fix black screen issue due to wallpaper decoding exceptions
- Merge October 2022 security patches
- MotionEvent: Add backwards compatible initialize() function
- PixelPropsUtils: Update fingerprints to October 2022 release
- Settings: Add optional Build status info
- Settings: Allow toggling floating rotation button
- Settings: BiometricFragment: respect background authentication request in source prompt info
- Settings: Hide Build maintainer info if not set
- Settings: Optional haptic feedback on back gesture
- Settings: Set the Build date to be unselectable
- Settings: applock: fix unlock prompt disappearing when trying to open apps
- Settings: use a new task stack for app lock fragments
- SystemUI: Allow limiting AOD & ambient display refresh rate
- SystemUI: Calculate paged QS tiles height properly
- SystemUI: CastTile: Open cast settings on a long click
- SystemUI: HACK: Fix random wakeup when just sleeping
- SystemUI: Properly apply dark theming to the clock
- SystemUI: QuickStatusBarHeader: use proper shade for the secondary color of the circle battery icon
- Zygote: Disable debug
- Zygote: Install seccomp filter regardless of SELinux status
- base: merge hidden app feature with app lock
- core: ProcessState: prevent an NPE from crashing the system server
- fixup! frameworks: Add support for clock auto-hiding
- gms: Update gapps
- sepolicy: Allow recovery to read sysfs_perdev_minors
- sepolicy: Allow webview_zygote to read /dev/ion
- sepolicy: Grant necessary ioctls to recovery for external sd
- services: ActiveServices: drop uid check when notifying newly registered callbacks
- services: AppLockConfig: fix a derp in hidePackage()
- services: applock: allow background authentication
- themes: fonts: Add Cool Jazz
- vendor: CarrierSettings: Update from TP1A.221005.002
- vendor: apex: Update from TP1A.221005.002
- vendor: rro_overlays: Configure face unlock acquire ignore list
Device changes:
- Increase In-call earpiece volume
- Update System and Adreno blobs
- Fix offline charging LED indicator
- Rom is encrypted by default.
- If you want to be decrypted, flash dfe_v4 after flashing the ROM.
- Gapps And Firmware are shipped default with Rom.
- AOSP Recovery is not shipped by default.
- CTS passes by default.
- Either use AOSP Recovery or Joker’s latest Android 13 TWRP
- Dirty Flash is possible.
- All Testers and Developers.