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New DotOS Release
- Build Name:
- Device: Redmi Note 8 Pro (begonia)
- Maintainer: Sahil Sonar
- Build Date: June 15, 2021 13:07:28
- Android Version: 11.0
- Size: 944.2 MB (vanilla) | 1.33 GB (gapps)
Source Changelog:
- June security patches (Android11 r38)
- Fixed some Filemanager apps crashing when MonetWannabe is enabled
- Fixed Lockscreen visualizer
- Fixed Silky UI not adaptive in some parts of Settings
- Fixed Network traffic on statusbar
- Added screen off animations toggles
- Added navibar invert layout feature
- Fixed issues related to media notification being persistent even after exiting app.
- Improved Wallpaper section (Customization)
- Add TouchScreen Gestures (only supported devices)
System Updates:
- All official devices will get OTA through SystemUpdater, so hang around.
- Updated translations from crowdin
- UI/UX improvements
- Stability and underhood improvements
Device Changelog:
- Initial Build.
- Clean flash must.
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- All Developers and Testers.
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