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New crDroid update for Pixel 2
- Codename: walleye
- crDroid version: 8.2
- Build date: 20220228
- Maintainer: Sudhakar Jha
crDroid v8.2:
- Initial crDroid 8.2
- Updated to February 2022 security patches (android-12.0.0_r29)
- Updated kernel to Linux 4.14.266
- Updated kernel clang compiler to 14.0.2
- Updated display color mode preview from Android 12
- Thermal settings’s app list improvement
- Fixed possible Updater app crash due to sepolicy denial
- Fixed PD charging issues (hopefully as I can’t test)
- Removed force full screen for pre-O apps
- Updated wireguard support
- Some other small changes
- Updated translations
Device Changelog:
- Fixed issue with factory reset.
- Added option to add VPN.
- Added crdroid gapps.
- Fixed audio stuttering, when playing books in read aloud mode.
- Fixed WFD lag, use lower resolution for seamless screen mirroring.
- Added Face unlock.
- Added toggle to combine wifi and mobile signal icons (A12)
- Added timeout feature for wifi and bluetooth
- Trivial fixes and misc bionic optimizations
- Misc fixes and improvements.
- Clean Flash Required – GAPPS Included, Please do not flash GAPPS!!
- Clean flash recommended
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